Physiotherapist Services

Individualized Exercise Prescription
The basis of all Physiotherapy is to provide you, the patient, with the exact set of exercises for your particular problem. This provides you with the tools to manage your own recovery. A precise examination allows the physiotherapist to assess your present condition and prescribe appropriate exercises.You then continue to exercise at home. Your responce to treatment is monitored at follow up visits, as required, and the exercises are progressed to the point where you are able to continue them independently, in order to gain full recovery.

There are many therapeutic electrical modalities available to the Physiotherapist which can enhance the prescribed exercise program. these include Ultrasound, Laser, Neuromuscular Stimulation, Biofeedback, Interferential Therapy and Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation. One or more of these can be used to help relieve pain before or after exercises, or to help improve joint and muscle action during exercise.

Manual Therapy
These are specific hands on techniques which can include mobilizations, massage and manipulation of the tissues. They are often used to improve mobility in stiff joints and muscles that are blocking normal movements.

Theraputic Taping
Occasionally in cases of acute injury or inflammation it is necessary to immobilize a body area for a short period of time to assist in the healing process or for support while specific exercises are being done. This is achieved through the use of taping techniques adapted to each individual patients needs.

Education is an integral component of any Physiotherapy treatment. Patients will understand the nature of their injury, learn how to care for themselves at home, and most importantly learn strategies to prevent reoccurrences.